1. U.S. Geological Survey; Western Ecological Research Center; San Francisco Bay Estuary Field Station; 505 Azuar Drive; Vallejo; CA; 94592; USA
2. U.S. Geological Survey; Western Ecological Research Center; University of California; Davis Field Station; One Shields Ave; Davis; CA; 95616; USA
3. Environment Canada; 11 Innovation Rd; Saskatoon; SK; S7N 3H5; Canada
4. College of Veterinary Medicine; University of Minnesota; 1971 Commonwealth Ave; St Paul; MN; 55108; USA
5. Department of Biological Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 77 Massachusetts Ave; Cambridge; MA; 02139; USA
6. Wildlife Health Center; School of Veterinary Medicine; University of California; One Shields Ave; Davis; CA; 95616; USA