1. AOAC.AOAC Official Method 871.01 oil (peanut) in oils and fats modified Renard test first action 1871 final action.
2. AOAC.AOAC Official Method 950.49 ash of nuts and nut products gravimetric method first action 1950.
3. AOAC.AOAC Official Method 993.21 total dietary fiber in foods and food products with ≤2% starch non‐enzymatic‐gravimetric method first action 1993 final action 1996.
4. AOAC.AOAC Official Method 2001.11 protein (crude) in animal feed forage (plant tissue) grain and oil seeds block digestion method using copper catalyst and steam distillation into boric acid first action 2001.
5. AOAC.AOAC Official Method 2001.12 determination of water/dry matter(moisture)in animal feed grain and forage(plant tissue) Karl Fischer titration methods first action 2001.