1. 1. See P. R. Gould, and T. R. Leinbach "An Approach to the Geographic Assignment of Hospital Services," Tijdschrift von Economische en Sociale Geografie, 57 (1966 ), 203-6, and also G. F. Pyle, Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke in Chicago (Department of Geography, University of Chicago, Research Paper No. 134, 1971).
2. 2. F. Sargent in "Environment and Human Health," in UNESCO Arid Zone Research XXIV, Proceedings of the Lucknow Symposium (Geneva, 1964).
3. 3. This is exemplified by the first chapter in J. M. May, The Ecology of Disease (New York: Hafner, 1958).
4. 4. See D. Mechanic, and E. H. Volkhart "Illness Behavior and Medical Diagnosis," J. Health and Human Behavior 1 (1962 ), 86 -92 .
5. 5. R. Earickson The Spatial Behavior of Hospital Patients (Department of Geography, University of Chicago, Research Paper No. 124, 1970).