1. 1. E. P. Henderson, and E. Mirynech, of the Geological Survey of Canada have recently worked in the area. See MIRYNECH, E.: The Pleistocene Geology of the Trenton-Campbellford Map-Area, Ontario . Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis , University of Toronto, 1962 .
2. 2. L. J. Chapman, and D. F. Putnam: The Physiography of Southern Ontario . University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1951 . 284 pp.
3. Trent River system and Saint Lawrence outlet
4. 4. A. P. Coleman: Lake Iroquois . Ann. Rept. Ont. Dept. of Mines, 45, pt. 7, 1936 , 36 pp.
5. 5. Ibid.