1. This contains the major items on which the article is based as well as a few general references which bear on national parks problems as a whole and so on Banff National Park. In preparing the maps and inventory, additional information was also secured in conversation with D. Shackle-ton, S. Herrero, V. Geist, and others familiar with Banff Park .
2. D.M Baird, Banff National Park: How Nature Carved Its Splendour, The Geological Survey of Canada, Misc. Report No. 13. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1967 .
3. W.A.F Banfield, Mammals of Banff National Park, Alberta, National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 159. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1958 .
4. A.R Byrne, "Man and Landscape Change in the Banff National Park Area before 1911," M.A. thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, 1964 .
5. O.A Christensen, 1969, Archaeological Survey of Banff National Park, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Calgary, mimeo .