1. 1For discussions of the general issues see D. Usher, ‘Some questions about the Regional Development Incentives Act,’ Canadian Public Policy, 1, L. Collins, and D. Walker (1975 ), pp. 557-75, and J. Cannon ‘Government impact on industrial location,’ in, Locational Dynamics of Manufacturing Activity (New York: John Wiley, 1975), pp. 109-31.
2. 2T.W. Buck, M.H. Atkins, B. Moore, J. Rhodes, B. Ashcroft, and J. Taylor ‘The impact of British regional policies on employment growth,’ Oxford Economic Papers (New Series), 28 (1976 ), pp. 118-32;‘Regional economic policy and the movement of manufacturing firms to development areas,’ Economica, 43 (1976 ), pp. 17-31;‘The movement of manufacturing industry and the effect of regional policy,’ Oxford Economic Papers (New Series), 29(1976 ), pp. 84-101.
3. 4D. Springate , Regional Incentives and Private Investment (Montreal: CD. Howe Research Institute,1973 );D. Massey, ‘In what sense a regional problem,’ Regional Studies, 13(1979), pp. 233 -43 .