1. 1Study on the Economic Impact of Tourism on National Economies and International Trade (Geneva: International Union of Official Travel Organizations, 1966 ), p.38 .
2. 2D. Airey ‘Tourism and balance of payments,’ Tourism International Research: Europe (3rd Quarter, 1978), pp. 4-6.
3. 3Data are from Travel Between Canada and Other Countries, Statistics Canada (66-201 annual), 1972-7. Some of the analysis on traveller flows between Canada and the United States was originally published in a paper entitled Travel between Canada and the U.S. Travel Trends, by M.W. Valiquette, Chief, International Travel Section, Statistics Canada.
4. 4D.G. Pearce ‘Demographic variations in international travel,’ Tourist Review, 1 (Jan./Mar. 1978), pp. 4-9.
5. 5Vacation Patterns by Canadians -1977 (Ottawa: Canadian Government Office of Tourism, 1978).