1. ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, 1980Design of Operational Strategy for the DicksonReservoir (Edmonton: Technical Services Division, Department of the Environment, Government of Alberta).
2. D. BECHARD, I. CORBU, R. GAGNON, G.A. NIX, L.E. PARKER, K. STEWART, and M. TRINK, 1981 ‘The Ottawa River Regulation Modeling Systems (orrms) ’ Proceedings,Internationa! Symposium on Real-Time Operation of Hydrosystems(held at the University of Ottawa).
3. D. BECHARD, and D. RICHARD, 1985 ‘Integrated operation of the Ottawa River System’ inH.C. Torno edComputer Applications in WaterResources (New York: ASCE Specialty Conference Proceeding)800 -9 .
4. Optimization of real time operation of a multiple-reservoir system