1. 1. The writer's own conception of the nature of biogeography will appear in, John m.Crowley, "La biogeographie, vue par un geographe," Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Soc. de Biogeog. (in press).
2. 2. See, for example, the author's review of, Arthur n.StrahlerIntroduction to Physical Geography, in Cahiers de geog. de Quebec, 19 (avril 1966), 171.
3. 3. JohnAdamsA Bibliography of Canadian Plant Geography (Toronto, 1930-).
4. 4. S. F. Blake, and AliceC. AtwoodGeographical Guide to the Floras of the World, I (New York, 1963).
5. 5. WilliamM. Harlow, and EllwoodS. HarrarTextbook of Dendrology (New York, 1958).