1. 1. DC Danielsson, W Boeck, and Traite dela, Elephantiasis des grece . Paris: JB Brilliere, 1848 ;206 -209 . Quoted by Ridley DS. Bacteriologic study of erythema nodosum leprosum. Int I Lepr. 1960;28:254-266.
2. 2. CA Mansen, C. Looft, and N Walker, Leprosy: its clinical and pathological aspects () Bristol: John Wright & Co., 1885 . Quoted by Bjume G. Reactions in leprosy. Lepr Rev. 1983(Special Issue):61 -67 .
3. Some observations on the leprous reaction (Synonyms:—leprotic fever; the actute exanthem of leprosy; lepra reaction, etc.)