1. 1. AN Domonkos, HL Arnold, and BR Odom . Andrews Diseases of the Skin, Clinical Dermatology , 7th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1982 : 447 -456 .
2. 2. RH Kampmeier . Essentials of Syphilology . Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1943 :151 .
3. 3. WF Lever, and G Schaumberg-Lever . Histopathology of the Skin , 6th ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1983 : 322 -324 .
4. 4. AF Hood, TH Kwan, and DC Burnes, Primer of Dermatopathology . Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1984 :57 .