Does neoadjuvant FOLFOX chemotherapy improve the prognosis of high‐risk Stage II and III colon cancers? Three years' follow‐up results of the PRODIGE 22 phase II randomized multicentre trial


Karoui Mehdi1ORCID,Gallois Claire2,Piessen Guillaume3,Legoux Jean‐Louis4,Barbier Emilie5,De Chaisemartin Cecile6,Lecaille Cedric7,Bouche Olivier8,Ammarguellat Hanifa9,Brunetti Francesco10,Prudhomme Michel11,Regimbeau Jean‐Marc12,Glehen Olivier13,Lievre Astrid14,Portier Guillaume15,Hartwig Johannes16,Goujon Gael17,Romain Benoit18,Lepage Come19,Taieb Julien2,Ainseba N.,Alcaraz L.,Audemar F.,Bachet J. B.,Bardier A.,Baumgaertner I.,Luciani A.,Bège T.,Ben Abdelghani M.,Bourgeois V.,Brigand C.,Couteau C.,Champetier C.,Chauvenet M.,Debourdeau P.,Deguelte S.,Poizat F.,Sarran A,Deplanque G.,Olivier D.,Duluc M.,Faucheron J. L.,François Y.,Freddy M.,Gasmi M.,Gornet J. M.,Gualtierotti M.,Lacaze L.,Lagasse J. P.,Lepere C.,Loriau J.,Malaurie E.,Manfredi S.,Mauvais F.,Meunier B.,Mineur L.,N’Guyen S.,Obled S.,Oden Gangloff A.,Ollier J. C.,Pelletier A. L.,Pere Verge D.,Peschaud F.,Pezet D.,Ramdani M.,Ries‐guye P.,Rougier P.,Rullier E.,Sabbagh C.,Saudemont A.,Seitz J. F.,Sobhani I.,Tessier W.,Tougeron D.,


1. Department of Digestive and Oncological Surgery AP‐HP; Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou Paris University Paris France

2. Department of Hepato‐gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, AP‐HP Paris University Paris France

3. Department of Digestive and Oncological Surgery Lille University Hospital Lille France

4. Department of Hepato‐gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology CHR La Source Orléans France

5. Biostatistics, FFCD, EPICAD INSERM LNC‐UMR 1231 University of Burgundy and Franche Comté Dijon France

6. Department of Digestive Surgery Institut Paoli Calmettes Marseille France

7. Department of Oncology Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord Bordeaux France

8. Department of Digestive Oncology CHU Robert Debré Reims France

9. Department of Medical Oncology CH Beauvais Beauvais France

10. Department of Digestive Surgery AP‐HP CHU Henri Mondor Créteil France

11. Department of Digestive Surgery CHU Carémeau Nîmes France

12. Department of Digestive Surgery Amiens University Hospital France

13. Department of Digestive Surgery CHU Lyon Sud Lyon France

14. Department of Gastroenterology CHU Rennes, Rennes 1 University Rennes France

15. Department of Digestive Surgery CHU Rangueil Toulouse France

16. Department of GastroenterologyInfirmerie Protestante Caluire‐et‐Cuire France

17. Department of Gastroenterology Paris VII, AP‐HP BCHU Bichat Paris France

18. Department of Digestive Surgery CHU Hautepierre Strasbourg France

19. Hepato‐gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology Department FFCD, EPICAD INSERM LNC‐UMR 1231 CHU Dijon University of Burgundy and Franche Comté Dijon France


Ministère de la Santé





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