1. University of Southern California and a consultant at Allergan plc; Irvine CA USA (A. Messali)
2. VeriTech Corporation; Mercer Island WA USA (J.C. Sanderson)
3. The Headache Center of Southern California; Encinitas CA USA (A.M. Blumenfeld)
4. Headache Group, NIHR-Wellcome Trust Kings Clinical Research Facility, Kings College London; United Kingdom (P.J. Goadsby)
5. Department of Neurology; University of California, San Francisco; San Francisco CA USA (P.J. Goadsby)
6. Department of Neurology; Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Bronx NY USA (D.C. Buse, R.B. Lipton)
7. Montefiore Headache Center; Bronx NY USA (D.C. Buse, R.B. Lipton)
8. Global Health Outcomes, Strategy and Research, Allergan, plc; Irvine CA USA (S.F. Varon)
9. Health Economics and Epidemiology, Evidera; Montreal QC Canada (M. Stokes).