1. Consent to Medical and Healthcare Treatment Manual NSW Department of Health.2020 NSW Government: St Leonards NSW 2065; Available from URL:https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/policies/manuals/Pages/consent‐manual.aspx
2. Consent Requirements for pregnancy and birth. NSW Department of Health. 2020 NSW Government: St Leonards NSW 2065. Available from URL:https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/kidsfamilies/MCFhealth/maternity/Pages/consent‐req‐pregnancy‐birth.aspx
3. Anonymous KS and XT v Calvary Health Care ACT trading as Calvary Hospital and Dr Andrew Foote in ACTSC 84 Supreme Court of the ACT 2018: Canberra.
4. Anonymous Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board in [2015] UKSC 11 Supreme Court of the United Kingdom 2015; London.
5. Assisted Vaginal Birth