1. Carbon dioxide and methane emissions and the carbon budget of a 10-year old tropical reservoir (Petit Saut, French Guiana)
2. BastienJ. DemartyM.&TremblayA.(2009)Study of greenhouse gas fluxes emitted by aquatic systems in Queensland Australia. 2008 Results. Report prepared by Environnement Illimité inc. and Hydro‐Québec Production for Stanwell Corporation Limited. 47 p. and appendices.
3. BastienJ. DemartyM.&TremblayA.(2010)Systèmes automatisés de mesures des gaz à effet de serre – Eastmain‐1 Robert‐Bourassa et Rivière‐des‐Prairies – Résultats 2009‐2010. Joint report from Environnement Illimité inc. and Hydro‐Québec Production Direction Barrages et Environnement 38 p.
4. BastienJ. DemartyM. SmithM.&GillR.(2011a)Reservoir Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Report – 2010. Report prepared by Environnement Illimité inc. for Manitoba Hydro 43 p. and 2 appendices.
5. CO2 and CH4 diffusive and degassing fluxes from 2003 to 2009 at Eastmain 1 reservoir, Québec, Canada