1. Dept of Botany; Inst. of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Univ. of Tartu; Lai 40 EE-51005 Tartu Estonia
2. Inst. of Geology, Tallinn Univ. of Technology; Ehitajate tee 5 EE-19086 Tallinn Estonia
3. Inst. of Biology, Karelian Research Centre RAS; Pushkinskaya 11 RU-185910 Petrozavodsk Karelia Russian Federation
4. Dept of Ecology and Genetics; Uppsala Univ., Campus Gotland; SE-62167 Visby Sweden
5. Dept of Ecology and Genetics, EBC; Uppsala Univ.; Norbyvägen 18D SE-75236 Uppsala Sweden
6. Dept of Biology; Lund Univ., Ecology Building; SE-22362 Lund Sweden