1. Infectious Diseases Department; Austin Health; Melbourne Western Australia
2. Infectious Diseases Department; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre; Melbourne Western Australia
3. Infectious Diseases Department; Alfred Health; Melbourne Western Australia
4. Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine; Monash University; Melbourne Western Australia
5. Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology Unit; Alfred Hospital; Melbourne Western Australia
6. Monash Infectious Diseases, Monash Health; Monash University; Melbourne Western Australia
7. School of Medicine; Deakin University; Geelong Victoria Western Australia
8. Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases; Barwon Health; Geelong Victoria Western Australia
9. Infectious Diseases Department; Princess Margaret Hospital for Children; Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Perth Western Australia
10. Infection Management and Prevention Service; Lady Cilento Children's Hospital and Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology; Brisbane Queensland
11. School of Paediatrics and Child Health; The University of Western Australia; Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Perth Western Australia
12. Department of Microbiology; PathWest Laboratory Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital; Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Perth Western Australia
13. Pathology North; NSW Pathology; Wellington South New Zealand
14. Immunology and Infectious Diseases Unit; John Hunter Hospital; Wellington South New Zealand
15. Universities of New England and Newcastle; Newcastle New South Wales Australia
16. Laboratory Services; Wellington Regional Hospital; Wellington South New Zealand
17. Microbiology and Immunology; School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of Western Australia; Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Perth Western Australia
18. Department of Microbiology; PathWest Laboratory Medicine; Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Perth Western Australia
19. Department of Infectious Disease; Barwon Health; Geelong Victoria Western Australia