1. Act on the Introduction of Accelerated Asylum Procedures (Asylum Package II) Federal Law Gazette (FLG) 12 http://www.fluechtlingsinfo-berlin.de/fr/pdf/BGBl_Asylpaket_2.pdf
2. Act to Improve the Enforcement of the Obligation to Leave the Country (AusrPflDVG) Federal Law Gazette (FLG) 52 http://www.fluechtlingsinfo-berlin.de/fr/pdf/BGBl_Asylpaket_2.pdf
3. Alien Residence Control Regulation (AWoV) Collection of the Law and Ordinance Sheets of the State North Rhine-Westphalia (CLOS.NRW) 35
4. Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Mittelrhein e.V. (AWO) 2018 Vielfalt - Das Bildungsmagazin