1. Department of Biopathology Institut Bergonié Bordeaux France
2. Department of Pathology Faculty of Medicine in Plzen Charles University Plzen Czech Republic
3. Department of Pathology and Molecular Genetics Bioptical Laboratory Ltd Plzen Czech Republic
4. Department of Pathology Warwick Hospital Warwick UK
5. Department of Biopathology Centre Leon Berard Lyon France
6. Université Lyon Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University Lyon France
7. University of Bordeaux Talence France
8. Department of Tumor Biology and Pathology Molecular Biology Unit Centre Georges‐François Leclerc Dijon France
9. Department of Tumor Biology and Pathology, Pathology Unit Centre Georges‐François Leclerc Dijon France
10. Department of Bioinformatics Institut Bergonié Bordeaux France
11. Department of Pathology Strasbourg Regional University Hospital (Hautepierre Hospital) Strasbourg France
12. INSERM U1218, Action Unit Bordeaux France