Priapulid neoichnology, ecosystem engineering, and the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition


Turk Katherine A.123ORCID,Wehrmann Achim3,Laflamme Marc4,Darroch Simon A. F.5


1. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Vanderbilt University Nashville TN USA

2. Evolutionary Studies Institute Vanderbilt University Nashville TN USA

3. Marine Research Department, Senckenberg am Meer Wilhelmshaven Germany

4. Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences University of Toronto Mississauga Mississauga ON Canada

5. Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Frankfurt 60325 Germany


AbstractThe evolutionary rise of powerful new ecosystem engineering impacts is thought to have played an important role in driving waves of biospheric change across the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition (ECT; c. 574–538 Ma). Among the most heavily cited of these is bioturbation (organism‐driven sediment disturbance) as these activities have been shown to have critical downstream geobiological impacts. In this regard priapulid worms are crucial; trace fossils thought to have been left by priapulan‐grade animals are now recognized as appearing shortly before the base of the Cambrian and represent some of the earliest examples of bed‐penetrative bioturbation. Understanding the ecosystem engineering impacts of priapulids may thus be key to reconstructing drivers of the ECT. However, priapulids are rare in modern benthic ecosystems, and thus comparatively little is known about the behaviours and impacts associated with their burrowing. Here, we present the early results of neoichnological experiments focused on understanding the ecosystem engineering impacts of priapulid worms. We observe for the first time a variety of new burrowing behaviours (including the formation of linked burrow networks and long in‐burrow residence times) hinting at larger ecosystem engineering impacts in this group than previously thought. Finally, we identify means by which these results may contribute to our understanding of tracemakers across the ECT, and the role they may have had in shaping the latest Ediacaran and earliest Cambrian biosphere.


Association for Women Geoscientists

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Natural Environment Research Council

National Science Foundation



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