1. Era preciso redescobrir o Brasil
2. Adas S.(2006)O campo do geógrafo: Colonização e agricultura na obra de Orlando Valverde (1917–1964) [The Geographer's Field: Colonization and Agriculture in the Work of Orlando Valverde (1917–1964)]. [Doctoral thesis University of São Paulo Faculty of Philosophy Letters and Human Sciences Department of Geography]. 2 vols. digital file FFLCH‐USP. Available from:https://teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8136/tde‐04062007‐152940/pt‐br.php
3. Almeida R.S.(2000)A Geografia e os Geógrafos do IBGE no período de 1938–1998 [Geography and IBGE Geographers in the Period 1938–1998]. [Doctoral Thesis Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Institute of Geosciences]. Available from:https://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/biblioteca‐home?id=21147&view=detalhes