1. Department of Hematology and Oncology Centre Hospitalier de Versailles Le ChesnayFrance
2. UMR1184 IDMIT Department Université Paris‐Saclay Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives University of Versailles Saint‐Quentin‐en‐Yvelines Montigny‐Le‐Bretonneux France
3. Department of Hematology Hôpital Maisonneuve‐Rosemont University of Montréal Montréal Québec Canada
4. Inserm CIC 1402 CHU de Poitiers PoitiersFrance
5. Department of Hematology CHU Brabois Vandoeuvre NancyFrance
6. Department of Hematology Centre Léon Bérard LyonFrance
7. Department of Hematology Institut Bergonié BordeauxFrance
8. Department of Hematology Hôpital Paul Brousse VillejuifFrance
9. Department of Hematology Institut Paoli Calmette MarseilleFrance
10. Department of Hematology Hôpital Huriez – CHRU LilleFrance
11. Department of Hematology CHU de Tours ToursFrance
12. Department of Hematology Centre Hospitalier Pontchaillou RennesFrance
13. Department of Hematology Hôpital Henri Mondor AP‐HP CréteilFrance
14. Department of Hematology Centre Hospitalier Annecy Genevois PringyFrance
15. Department of Hematology Hôpital Hôtel‐Dieu CHU de Nantes NantesFrance
16. Department of Hematology CHU d’Angers AngersFrance
17. Department of Hematology Institut Universitaire du Cancer – Oncopole ToulouseFrance
18. Department of Hematology Hôpital Saint‐Louis et EA3518 AP‐HP ParisFrance
19. Department of Hematology CHU de Poitiers PoitiersFrance
20. Department of Pneumology Hôpital Saint‐Louis AP‐HP ParisFrance
21. Clinical Pharmacology Department Centre Hospitalier Pellegrin CHU de Bordeaux BordeauxFrance
22. University of Bordeaux Ségalen BordeauxFrance
23. Hematology and Molecular Biology and EA3518 Hôpital Saint‐Louis AP‐HP Paris France