1. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota USA
AbstractBackgroundStandard flow cytometry protocols for CD34+ cell enumeration designed for fresh samples are not appropriate for cryopreserved products. Special protocols have been developed to remove the cryoprotectant by quickly washing a freshly thawed sample. Exposing cells to a large volume of hypotonic solution and subsequent washing process was hypothesized to cause lab‐induced cell death. Moreover, standard gating strategies must be altered to avoid reporting falsely high viabilities.Study Design and MethodsWe developed a novel method whereby thawed samples were diluted step‐wise to 1:2 by 3 additions of 1/3 sample volume using 1% Human Albumin in Dextran 40 (10% Low Molecular Weight Dextran in 0.9% NaCl) separated by 5 min between each addition. An additional 1:10 dilution was required to obtain a desired cell concentration for flow cytometry testing resulting in a 1:20 dilution.ResultsTwenty samples were tested simultaneously in a method comparison; the new method demonstrated significant increases in mean cell viabilities for white blood cells, hematopoietic progenitor cells, and T cells as well as reduced standard deviations for each parameter.DiscussionSlow, step‐wise dilutions of freshly thawed samples of cryopreserved apheresis products to 1:20 yielded higher and more precise viability measurements compared to quickly washing samples to remove DMSO.