1. CC and CSO (Climate Counts and the Center for Sustainable Organizations) 2013 Assessing corporate emissions performance through the lens of climate science http://carbonscore.climatecounts.org/
2. Craig , R. K. 2013 Climate change means the death of sustainability http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2139605
3. Schendler , A. M. Toffel 2013 Corporate sustainability is not sustainble http://grist.org/climate-energy/corporate-sustainability-is-not-sustainable/
4. UN Global Compact and Accenture 2013 The UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study on Sustainability www.accenture.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/Accenture-UN-Global-Compact-Acn-CEO-Study-Sustainability-2013.PDF