1. Ian Bailey was another Melbourne optometrist, graduating in the class of 1962. He is now Professor of Optometry in the University of California, Berkeley, and is an international leader in low vision.
2. Leon Garner graduated in optometry from The University of Melbourne in the year after Brien Holden.
He was a fellow PhD student at the City University with Brien Holden and is now Professor of Optometry at the University of Auckland.
3. Dan O'Learyis
Professor of Optometry and Head of School at the East Anglia Polytechnic University, having previously been Head of the School of Optometry at The University of New South Wales.
Judy Morris is Reader at the City University London and President of IACLE Europe. Jan Bergmanson is Professor of Optometry at Houston University and a leading ocular anatomist in optometry.
4. Lewis Williams, Sometime Technical Director for CIBA Vision Australia, is now a Senior Academic Associate with the International Association of Contact Lens Educators in Sydney, with responsibility for its teaching program development.
5. Following a distinguished career as Director of Research at Bausch and Lomb, Rochester NY, Dr Steve Zantos returned to Australia and is now a principal in a laser surgery co‐management centre in Sydney.