1. CNRS; Laboratoire Ecologie Systématique et Evolution; UMR8079; Bâtiment 360 91405 Orsay France
2. University of Paris Sud; 91405 Orsay France
3. AgroParisTech; 91405 Orsay France
4. Section of Population Genetics; Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan; Technische Universität München; 85354 Freising Deutschland
5. INRA; IRHS; PRES UNAM; SFR QUASAV; Rue G. Morel F-49071 Beaucouzé France
6. Plant Research International; Wageningen UR Plant Breeding; PO Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands
7. Department of Forest Genetic Resources; Northwest German Forest Research Institute; Professor-Oelkers Str. 6, 34346 Hann. Münden Germany
8. ILVO; Plant-Growth and Development; Caritasstraat 21 9090 Melle Belgium
9. Department of Plant and Microbial Biology; University of California; Berkeley CA 94720-3102 USA