Family Boundary Ambiguity: A 30-Year Review of Theory, Research, and Measurement


Carroll Jason S.,Olson Chad D.,Buckmiller Nicolle




Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education

Reference93 articles.

1. Atkinson , S. J 2000 The mediating and moderating effects of codependency (Doctoral dissertation, Barry University, 2000 Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences 56 5-A

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3. Beley , T. G 1991 The family and chronic mental illness: Boundary ambiguity as a factor influencing family burden Barry University Dissertation Abstracts International 52 6-A 2272

4. Bias , E. S 1998 Mediating the stress-outcome relationship in Alzheimer’s care giving: The reciprocal influences of sense of coherence, coping, and boundary ambiguity California School of Professional Psychology Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering 59 6-B 3046

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1. Psychological reactions to COVID-19: Ambiguous loss, posttraumatic growth, and coronavirus impact among college students.;Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy;2024-02

2. Staying connected after divorce: Adolescent child and nonresidential parent perspectives;Family Relations;2024-01-22

3. The Role of Religion in the Mental Health of Single Adults: A Mixed-Method Investigation;The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion;2023-10-11

4. References;Toward a Psychology of Singlehood;2023-07-10

5. The Ambiguous Loss Inventory Plus (ALI+): Introduction of a Measure of Psychological Reactions to the Disappearance of a Loved One;International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;2023-03-14







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