1. Integrative Physiology of the Brain Arousal Systems CRNLINSERM‐U1028CNRS UMR5292University of Lyon 1 Lyon France
2. Endocrinology Pediatric Unit Woman Mother Child HospitalCivil Hospices of Lyon Lyon France
3. Pediatric Sleep Centre Hospital Robert‐Debre Paris France
4. National Reference Centre for Orphan DiseasesNarcolepsy, Idiopathic Hypersomnia, and Kleine‐Levin Syndrome Paris France
5. National Reference Network for Narcolepsy Sleep‐Wake Disorder Unit Department of Neurology Gui‐de‐Chauliac HospitalCHU Montpellier Montpellier France
6. Inserm U1061 University of MontpellierNeuropsychiatry: Epidemiological and Clinical Research Montpellier France
7. AP‐HPPitié‐Salpêtrière HospitalSleep Disorder Unit & Sorbonne University Paris France
8. Emerging Pathogens Laboratory–Fondation Mérieux International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI) Inserm U1111CNRS UMR5308ENS de Lyon Lyon France
9. Institute of Pharmaceutic and Biological Sciences Public Health Department Biostatistics University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Villeurbanne France
10. Sleep Pediatric Unit Woman Mother Child HospitalCivil Hospices of Lyon Lyon France