1. Dakshin Foundation 1818, 5th Main, 9th Cross, Sahakar Nagar C Block Bengaluru 560092 India
2. IUCN CEESP/SSC Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group c/ Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland Switzerland
3. Fenner School of Environment and SocietyAustralian National University 0200 ACT Australia
4. PANGEA Research Center, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental SciencesUniversity of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
5. Sheffield Institute for International DevelopmentUniversity of Sheffield Sheffield South Yorkshire S10 2TN U.K.
6. Sociology of Development and ChangeWageningen University De Leeuwenborch, Hollandseweg 1 6707 Wageningen KN The Netherlands
7. Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy StudiesUniversity of Johannesburg South Africa
8. Department of Sociology and Social AnthropologyStellenbosch University Stellenbosch South Africa
9. Department of Biological SciencesMacquarie University North Ryde NSW 2109 Australia
10. Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation ATREE Royal Enclave, Sriramapura, Jakkur Post Bengaluru 560064 India
11. School of Life SciencesUniversity of KwaZulu‐Natal Durban South Africa
12. DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Fellow Hyderabad India
13. Wildlife Management International Pty. Limited P.O. Box 530 Karama NT 0813 Australia
14. Research Institute for the Environment and LivelihoodsCharles Darwin University Darwin NT 0909 Australia
15. IUCN‐SSC Crocodile Specialist Group c/ Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland Switzerland
16. Centre for Ecological Sciences Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru 560012 India