1. Commission of the European Communities (2001 ) 'Communication from the Commission to the Council, European Parliament, Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions on a new framework for co-operation on activities concerning the information and communication policy of the European Union '. Brussels, 27 June (COM(2001)354 final).
2. European Parliament, Committee on Culture, Youth Education, the Media and Sport (2001 ) 'Draft report on the Commission communication on a new framework for co-operation on activities concerning the information and communication policy of the European Union '. Brussels, 13 December (2001/12192(COS).
3. European Parliament, Committee on Culture, Youth Education, the Media and Sport (2002 ) 'Report on the Commission communication on a new framework for cooperation on activities concerning the information and communication policy of the European Union '. Brussels, 25 February (A5-0051/2002).