1. 1. A Milen, H Tala, H Hausi, and OP Heinonen. Lasten ja nuorten hampaiden tila ja hoita Suomessa 1981-1982, (Dental health status, habits and care of Finnish children and youths' in 1981-82. English summary). Health Services Research by the National Board of Health in Finland, No. 39. Helsinki, 1986 .
2. Caries Decline from 1976 to 1986 among 15-Year-Olds in Helsinki
3. Periodontal treatment needs in populations under 20 years of age in Espoo, Finland and Chiangmai, Thailand
4. 5. HL Bailit, and T Gorowka. Guidelines for the development of a quality assurance audit system for hospital dental programs. American Denial Association. 1983 .