The muskoxen Ovibos moschatus in north and northeast Greenland: population trends and the influence of abiotic parameters on population dynamics


Forchhammer Mads,Boertmann David




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference30 articles.

1. C Bay, 1992 Biologisk-ark aeologisk kortlaegning af GrOnlands Ostkyst mellem 75oN and 79o30'N Del 8 Registrering af pattedyr og fugle 1 omradet mellem Germania Land (77oN) og Lambert Land (79o10'N), 1990 - Greenland Home Rule, Dept Environ Wildl Mgmt, Techn Rep No 26 (in Danish with English summary).

2. C Bay, and D Boertmann, 1989 Biologisk-arkaeologisk kortlaegning af GrOnlands Ostkyst mellem 75 oN and 79o30'N Del 1 Flyrekognosering mellem Mestersvig (72o12'N) og Nord-marken (78oN) - Greenland Home Rule, Dept Environ Wildl Mgmt, Techn Rep No 4 (in Danish with English summary).

3. C Bay, and B Fredskild, 1990 Biologisk-arkaeeologisk kortlaegning af GrOnlands Ostkyst mellem 75oN and 79o30'N Del 3 Botaniske undersOgelser 1 omradet mellem Fligely Fjord (74o50'N) og Nordmarken (77o30'N), 1989 - Greenland Home Rule, Dept Environ Wildl Mgmt, Techn Rep No 11 (in Danish with English summary).

4. D Boertmann, M Forchhammer, and H Meltofte, 1990 Biologisk-arkaeeologisk kortlaegning af GrOnlands Ostkyst mellem 75oN og 79o30'N Del 2 Optaellinger af fugle og pattedyr mellem Bessel Fjord (76o00) og Zachariae IsstrOm (78o3O'N) -Greenland Home Rule, Dept Environ Wildl Mgmt, Techn Rep No 10 (in Danish with English summary).







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