1. J.H. Annala, K.J. Sullivan, C.J. O'Brien, N.W.M. Smith, and S.J.A. Varian, 2002 . Report from the Fishery Assessment Plenary, May 2002. Stock assessments and yield estimates. Wellington: Unpublished report held in NIWA library . 640 pp.
2. Differences in the early life history of the Australasian shortfinned eel Anguilla australis from Australia and New Zealand, as revealed by otolith microstructure and microchemistry
3. M.P. Beentjes, 1998 . Enhancement of Lake Hawea eel stocks by transfer of juveniles . NIWA Technical Report 41. 15 pp.
4. M.P. Beentjes, 1999 . Size, age, and species composition of South Island commercial eel catches from market sampling (1997-98) . NIWA Technical Report 51. 51 pp.
5. M.P. Beentjes, and B. Bull, 2002 . CPUE analyses of the commercial freshwater eel fishery . New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2002/18. 55 pp.