1. Department of Special Education Stockholm University Stockholm Sweden
2. Swedish National Center for Rett Syndrome and Related Disorders Region Jämtland Härjedalen Frösön Sweden
AbstractThe feasibility of a pedagogical approach—MultiSensory Music Drama (MSMD)—was investigated in collaboration with a teacher and a student with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (S/PIMD). Educational research for this group of learners is scarce, but research has suggested the potential of integrating music and multisensory storytelling to promote interactive engagement. A case study using co‐production between a teacher and researchers was conducted. The development, implementation and evaluation of MSMD lessons were performed, by carrying out the lessons, iteratively refining them through stimulated recall interviews and ratings of student engagement. The long‐term feasibility was investigated through a post‐intervention survey and a follow‐up interview. Inductive content analysis was used for data analysis. In‐depth descriptions of the implementation process are provided. The teacher found the MSMD approach useful in relation to the syllabus and motivating for the student. She reported that she had continued to use MSMD with all of her students and that several of her colleagues had started to use it as well. Our results suggest that MSMD can be a meaningful approach for practitioners working with these learners. The study also reveals aspects of professional knowledge when working with students with S/PIMD.