1. Department of General Dermatology; Medical University of Vienna; Vienna General Hospital (AKH); Vienna Austria
2. Department of Dermatology; University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Modena Italy
3. Skin Cancer Unit; Arcispedale Santa Maria; Nuova-IRCCS; Reggio Emilia Italy
4. Dermatology Research Centre; The University of Queensland; School of Medicine; Translational Research Institute; Brisbane QLD Australia
5. Medicine Department; Alcalá University; Madrid Spain
6. Dermatology Service; Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; New York NY USA
7. Department of Dermatology; Medical University of Graz; Graz Austria
8. Department of Dermatology; University Clinic Salzburg; Salzburg Austria
9. Melanoma Institute Australia and the Sydney Melanoma Diagnostic Centre, and the Faculty of Dermatology; University of Sydney; Sydney NSW Australia