1. BioRISC (Biosecurity Research Initiative at St Catharine's) St Catharine's College Cambridge CB2 1RL U.K.
2. Department of Zoology University of Cambridge The David Attenborough Building, Pembroke Street Cambridge CB2 3QZ U.K.
3. Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0ES U.K.
4. Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science, Department of Zoology University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3SZ U.K.
5. TRAFFIC, The David Attenborough Building Pembroke Street Cambridge CB2 3QZ U.K.
6. UNEP‐WCMC 219 Huntington Road Cambridge CB3 0DL U.K.
7. GLOBE Institute University of Copenhagen Oester Voldgade 5‐7 Copenhagen 1350 Denmark
8. Institute of Biodiversity, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ U.K.
9. Institute of Zoology Zoological Society of London London NW1 4RY U.K.
10. Italian Society of Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Simevep) Via Nizza 11 Rome 00198 Italy
11. Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3SZ U.K.
12. Institute of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Peking University Beijing P.R. China
13. Centre for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden Chinese Academy of Sciences Xishuangbanna Yunnan 666303 P.R. China
14. Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT U.K.
15. Wildlife Health Ghent, Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ghent University Salisburylaan 133 Merelbeke B‐9820 Belgium
16. MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs Veterinary Surgeons 36 Hanbury Road Droitwich WR9 8PW U.K.
17. Africa Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Disease Redeemers’ University Ede Osun State Nigeria
18. Institute for Conservation Research San Diego Zoo Global Escondido CA 92027 U.S.A.
19. Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Savoyenstraße 1 Vienna A‐1160 Austria
20. Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 Southern Blvd. Bronx NY U.S.A.