Haemochromatosis in children: A national retrospective cohort promoted by the A.I.E.O.P. (Associazione Italiana Emato‐Oncologia Pediatrica) study group


Corti Paola1ORCID,Ferrari Giulia Maria1,Faraguna Martha Caterina12,Capitoli Giulia3,Longo Filomena45,Corradini Elena6,Casini Tommaso7,Boscarol Gianluca8,Pinto Valeria Maria9,Ghilardi Roberta10,Russo Giovanna11,Colombatti Raffaella12,Mariani Raffaella13,Piperno Alberto1314


1. Pediatria, Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Monza Italy

2. Residency in Pediatrics University of Milano Bicocca Milan Italy

3. Bicocca Bioinformatics Biostatistics and Bioimaging B4 Center, Department of Medicine and Surgery University of Milan‐Bicocca Monza Italy

4. Thalassemia Reference Centre Orbassano Italy

5. Regional HUB Centre for Thalassaemia and Haemoglobinopathies, Department of Medicine AOU S. Anna Ferrara Italy

6. Internal Medicine Unit and Centre for Hemochromatosis and Hereditary Liver Diseases, ERN‐EuroBloodNet and ERN‐RARE‐LIVER, Azienda Ospedaliero‐Universitaria di Modena‐Policlinico Modena Italy

7. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Department Meyer's Children University Hospital Firenze Italy

8. Department of Pediatrics Central Teaching Hospital Bolzano Italy

9. Centro della Microcitemia e delle Anemie Congenite, Ospedale Galliera Genova Italy

10. Department of Pediatrics Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, IRCCS Milano Italy

11. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Unit Azienda Policlinico “Rodolico‐San Marco”, University of Catania Catania Italy

12. Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, Department of Woman's and Child's Health University of Padova Padova Italy

13. SSD Rare Diseases—European Reference Network for Rare Hematological Diseases—EuroBloodNet—Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Monza Italy

14. Centro Ricerca Tettamanti Monza Italy


SummaryHaemochromatosis (HC) encompasses a range of genetic disorders. HFE‐HC is by far the most common in adults, while non‐HFE types are rare due to mutations of HJV, HAMP, TFR2 and gain‐of‐function mutations of SLC40A1. HC is often unknown to paediatricians as it is usually asymptomatic in childhood. We report clinical and biochemical data from 24 paediatric cases of HC (10 cases of HFE‐, 5 TFR2‐, 9 HJV‐HC), with a median follow‐up of 9.6 years. Unlike in the adult population, non‐HFE‐HC constitutes 58% (14/24) of the population in our series. Transferrin saturation was significantly higher in TFR2‐ and HJV‐HC compared to HFE‐HC, and serum ferritin and LIC were higher in HJV‐HC compared to TFR2‐ and HFE‐HC. Most HFE‐HC subjects had relatively low ferritin and LIC at the time of diagnosis, so therapy could be postponed for most of them after the age of 18. Our results confirm that HJV‐HC is a severe form already in childhood, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid the development of organ damage and reduce morbidity and mortality. Although phlebotomies were tolerated by most patients, oral iron chelators could be a valid option in early‐onset HC.












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