1. Teaching Statistics - from the beginning
2. Berze D.(2002).ISI in the postwar period: planting the seeds of statistical education. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS6 July 2002) Capetown South Africa. Voorburg The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. Microsoft Word ‐ 5B2_Berze_e.doc (iase‐web.org)
3. Mathematics, Statistics, and Teaching
4. Davies N. Barnett V.andMarriott J. (2010).One hundred years of progress – teaching statistics 1910–2010: what have we learned? Part I: it's not mathematics but real data in context. InC.Reading(Ed.) Data and context in statistics education: Towards an evidence‐based society. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS8 July 2010) Ljubljana Slovenia. Voorburg The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. Microsoft Word ‐ 10G3_Davies.doc (iase‐web.org)
5. Adults' Statistical Literacy: Meanings, Components, Responsibilities