1. 1 National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Antenatal Care-Routine Care for the Healthy Pregnant Woman. Clinical guideline 6. London: NICE, 2003. [www.library.nhs.uk/guidelinesFinder/ViewResource.aspx?resID=30499&tabID=288]. Accessed 9 October 2007.
2. 2 Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Voluntary antenatal HIV testing in Ireland: results of the screening programme, 2002 to 2005. 2007. [www.ndsc.ie/hpsc/A-Z/HepatitisHIVAIDSandSTIs/HIVandAIDS/AntenatalHIVTesting/Report/]. Accessed 9 October 2007.
3. 3 The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance. Mapping the Issues. HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United Kingdom: 2005. London: Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, 2005. [www.hpa.org.uk/publications/2005/hiv_sti_2005/]. Accessed 9 October 2007.
4. 4 The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance. Testing Times. HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United Kingdom: 2007. London: Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, 2007. [http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics_az/hiv_and_sti/publications/AnnualReport/2007/default.htm]. Accessed 4 January 2008.
5. Vertical transmission rates for HIV in the British Isles: estimates based on surveillance data;Duong;BMJ,1999