1. Pancreatic Islet Transplantation Project, Research Institute National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo Japan
2. Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism National Center for Global health and Medicine Tokyo Japan
3. Center for Clinical Research Toyama University Hospital Toyama Japan
4. Department of Surgery JCHO Tokyo Takanawa Hospital Tokyo Japan
5. Hepato‐Biliary‐Pancreatic Surgery Division Department of Surgery National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo Japan
6. Faculty of Medicine University of Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan
7. Department of Surgery Secomedic Hospital Chiba Japan
8. Disease Control and Prevention Center National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo Japan
9. Nephrology National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo Japan
10. Radiology National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo Japan
11. Center for Clinical Sciences National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo Japan