1. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Birmensdorf Switzerland
2. SwissForestLab Birmensdorf Switzerland
3. Chair of Silviculture Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources University of Freiburg Freiburg Germany
4. UMR RECOVERAix Marseille UniversityINRAE Aix‐en‐Provence France
5. Forest Research Institute of Baden‐Württemberg FVA Freiburg Germany
6. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology ETH Zürich Zürich Switzerland
7. IT Services Group Department of Health Sciences and Technology ETH Zürich Zürich Switzerland
8. Forest Ecology Department of Environmental Systems Science ETH Zürich Zürich Switzerland
9. Forest and Wood Technology Discipline Khulna University Khulna Bangladesh
10. Université de LorraineAgroParisTechINRAEUMR Silva Nancy France
11. Forest Management & Silviculture Department of Environmental Systems Science ETH Zürich Zürich Switzerland
12. Chair of Forestry Economics and Forest Planning University of Freiburg Freiburg Germany