1. I. Department of Medicine University Medical Centre Hamburg‐Eppendorf Hamburg Germany
2. European Reference Network (ERN) RARE‐LIVER Hamburg Germany
3. Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Debrecen Hungary Germany
4. Faculty of Medicine, Kálmán Laki Doctoral School University of Debrecen Hungary Germany
5. Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology Hannover Medical School Hannover Germany
6. Department of Medicine and Research Laboratory of Internal Medicine, National Expertise Center of Greece in Autoimmune Liver Diseases General University Hospital of Larissa Larissa Greece
7. Department of Hepatology, Transplantology and Internal Medicine Medical University of Warsaw Warsaw Poland
8. Translational Medicine Group Pomeranian Medical University Szczecin Poland
9. Department of Clinical Medicine Hvidovre University Hospital of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark
10. Martin Zeitz Center for Rare Diseases University Medical Centre Hamburg‐Eppendorf Hamburg Germany
11. Hamburg Center for Translational Immunology (HCTI) University Medical Centre Hamburg‐Eppendorf Hamburg Germany