1. Department of Life and Environmental Sciences University of California Merced Merced CA 95343 USA
2. Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology University of Wisconsin‐Madison Madison WI 53706 USA
3. School of Life Sciences University of Nevada‐Las Vegas Las Vegas NV 89154 USA
4. Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences University of Montana Missoula MT 59812 USA
5. Biology Department University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131 USA
6. Forest Health Protection USDA Forest Service Durham NH 03924 USA
7. Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division Pacific Northwest National Lab PO Box 999 Richland WA 99352 USA
8. School of Biological Sciences Washington State University PO Box 644236 Pullman WA 99164‐4236 USA
9. School of the Environment Washington State University PO Box 644236 Pullman WA 99164‐4236 USA