Rejection of the status quo: Conspiracy theories and preference for alternative political systems


Papaioannou Kostas12ORCID,Pantazi Myrto3,van Prooijen Jan‐Willem456


1. Centre for the Study of Politics (CEVIPOL) Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium

2. Department of Political Science Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece

3. Department of Psychology University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands

4. Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands

5. The Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) Amsterdam The Netherlands

6. Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Maastricht University Maastricht The Netherlands


AbstractConspiracy theories introduce a democratic paradox, as belief in conspiracy theories predicts support for both democratic and non‐democratic political systems. In this article, we explore whether democratic and anti‐democratic attitudes, resulting from conspiracy beliefs, can be mutually exclusive. In Study 1 (United Kingdom, N = 293), we show that belief in conspiracy theories is associated with decreased support for representative democracy, and increased support for direct democracy, anarchism, and autocracy within the same individuals. In Study 2 (United States, N = 302, pre‐registered), we experimentally show that the perceived presence of conspiracies is linked to an increased preference for direct democracy, anarchism, and autocracy and decreased support for representative democracy. Mediational analyses suggest that widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo and, less consistently, feelings of political cynicism mediate the relationships between conspiracy beliefs and (anti‐)democratic attitudes. In Study 3 (United States, N = 400, pre‐registered), we experimentally manipulate (dis)satisfaction with the status quo. Results indicate that rejecting the status quo increases support for direct democracy, anarchism, and autocracy and decreases support for representative democracy. Overall, our findings suggest that people who believe in conspiracy theories tend to favour both democratic and anti‐democratic political alternatives, largely attributed to citizens' desire to change the status quo.


Universiteit van Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam









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