Masstige buyers: Profile, perceived luxury values and purchase intentions


Al‐Issa Nermain1ORCID,Kwiatek Piotr2ORCID,Dens Nathalie3ORCID


1. American University of the Middle East Egaila Kuwait

2. University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Wels Austria

3. Antwerp University Antwerpen Belgium


AbstractAs the term masstige has only recently emerged, the literature on masstige branding and marketing remains relatively limited. More research is needed to understand better the distinct profiles of masstige and luxury buyers, their perceived luxury values and purchasing motives. Our study, involving 601 UK consumers, aims to address this gap. Based on consumers' self‐reported prior experiences with masstige and luxury brands, we identify four distinct consumer segments: Premium luxury Buyers, Masstige Buyers, Buyers of Both Premium luxury and Masstige, and Non‐luxury buyers who have not previously purchased either Premium luxury or Masstige brands. We then explore each segment's socio‐demographic profiles, their luxury value perceptions, and how these values influence their purchase intentions. Individuals across diverse income levels, spanning low, middle, and high, fall into four distinct segments with unique luxury perceptions. Premium luxury buyers are characterized as socially oriented perfectionists, while masstige buyers align with hedonic materialism. Buyers of both seek self‐distinction. Non‐luxury buyers spire for group conformity, prioritizing experiential enjoyment when given the opportunity. Furthermore, our study offers a practical value‐based positioning framework and a roadmap for brands looking to expand their target markets. This framework can be a valuable resource for luxury marketers seeking to refine their positioning and better align with the values that resonate with their target audiences.



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