Dynamics and drivers of mycorrhizal fungi after glacier retreat


Carteron Alexis12ORCID,Cantera Isabel1ORCID,Guerrieri Alessia13ORCID,Marta Silvio14ORCID,Bonin Aurélie13ORCID,Ambrosini Roberto1ORCID,Anthelme Fabien5ORCID,Azzoni Roberto Sergio6ORCID,Almond Peter7,Alviz Gazitúa Pablo8,Cauvy‐Fraunié Sophie9ORCID,Ceballos Lievano Jorge Luis10,Chand Pritam11ORCID,Chand Sharma Milap12,Clague John J.13ORCID,Cochachín Rapre Justiniano Alejo14,Compostella Chiara6ORCID,Cruz Encarnación Rolando14ORCID,Dangles Olivier15ORCID,Eger Andre16,Erokhin Sergey17,Franzetti Andrea18ORCID,Gielly Ludovic19ORCID,Gili Fabrizio120ORCID,Gobbi Mauro21ORCID,Hågvar Sigmund2223ORCID,Khedim Norine24,Meneses Rosa Isela2526ORCID,Peyre Gwendolyn27ORCID,Pittino Francesca1828ORCID,Rabatel Antoine29ORCID,Urseitova Nurai17,Yang Yan30ORCID,Zaginaev Vitalii31ORCID,Zerboni Andrea6ORCID,Zimmer Anaïs32ORCID,Taberlet Pierre1923ORCID,Diolaiuti Guglielmina Adele1ORCID,Poulenard Jerome24ORCID,Thuiller Wilfried19ORCID,Caccianiga Marco33ORCID,Ficetola Gentile Francesco119ORCID


1. Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali Università degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria 10 20133 Milano Italy

2. Université de Toulouse, Ecole d'Ingénieurs de PURPAN, UMR INRAE‐INPT DYNAFOR Toulouse 31076 France

3. Argaly, Bâtiment CleanSpace 354 Voie Magellan 73800 Sainte‐Hélène‐du‐Lac France

4. Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, CNR Via Moruzzi 1 56124 Pisa Italy

5. AMAP, Univ Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, CNRS, INRAE Montpellier 34398 France

6. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra ‘Ardito Desio’ Università degli Studi di Milano Via L. Mangiagalli 34 20133 Milano Italy

7. Department of Soil and Physical Sciences Lincoln University Lincoln 7647 New Zealand

8. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Biodiversidad Universidad de Los Lagos CW76+76 Osorno Chile

9. INRAE, UR RIVERLY, Centre de Lyon‐Villeurbanne 69100 Villeurbanne France

10. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales IDEAM 110911 Bogotá Colombia

11. Department of Geography, School of Environment and Earth Sciences Central University of Punjab VPO‐Ghudda Bathinda 151401 Punjab India

12. Centre for the Study of Regional Development – School of Social Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University New Mehrauli Road 110067 New Delhi India

13. Department of Earth Sciences Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby BC V5A 1S6 Canada

14. Área de Evaluación de Glaciares y Lagunas, Autoridad Nacional del Agua FFH8+2P Huaraz Peru

15. CEFE, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, EPHE, IRD, Univ Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 34090 Montpellier France

16. Mannaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Soils and Landscapes 54 Gerald St. Lincoln 7608 New Zealand

17. Institute of Water Problems and Hydro‐Energy Kyrgyz National Academy of Sciences Frunze, 533 720033 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

18. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DISAT) University of Milano‐Bicocca 20126 Milano Italy

19. Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA F‐38000 Grenoble France

20. Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology University of Turin Via Accademia Albertina 13 10123 Turin Italy

21. Research and Museum Collections Office, Climate and Ecology Unit, MUSE‐Science Museum Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza, 3 38122 Trento Italy

22. Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (INA) Norwegian University of Life Sciences Universitetstunet 3 1433 Ås Norway

23. UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø Museum Tromsø 9006 Norway

24. Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université Grenoble Alpes, EDYTEM F‐73000 Chambéry France

25. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia: La Paz FW6J+RP2 La Paz Bolivia

26. Universidad Católica del Norte 8HCR+94 Antofagasta Chile

27. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of the Andes 111711 Bogotá Colombia

28. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research Zürcherstrasse 111 8903 Birmensdorf Switzerland

29. Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Grenoble‐INP, Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE, UMR 5001) F‐38000 Grenoble France

30. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu 610041 China

31. Mountain Societies Research Institute University of Central Asia Toktogula 125/1 720001 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

32. Department of Geography and the Environment University of Texas at Austin Austin TX 78712 USA

33. Dipartimento di Bioscienze Universitá degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria 26 20133 Milano Italy


Summary The development of terrestrial ecosystems depends greatly on plant mutualists such as mycorrhizal fungi. The global retreat of glaciers exposes nutrient‐poor substrates in extreme environments and provides a unique opportunity to study early successions of mycorrhizal fungi by assessing their dynamics and drivers. We combined environmental DNA metabarcoding and measurements of local conditions to assess the succession of mycorrhizal communities during soil development in 46 glacier forelands around the globe, testing whether dynamics and drivers differ between mycorrhizal types. Mycorrhizal fungi colonized deglaciated areas very quickly (< 10 yr), with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi tending to become more diverse through time compared to ectomycorrhizal fungi. Both alpha‐ and beta‐diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were significantly related to time since glacier retreat and plant communities, while microclimate and primary productivity were more important for ectomycorrhizal fungi. The richness and composition of mycorrhizal communities were also significantly explained by soil chemistry, highlighting the importance of microhabitat for community dynamics. The acceleration of ice melt and the modifications of microclimate forecasted by climate change scenarios are expected to impact the diversity of mycorrhizal partners. These changes could alter the interactions underlying biotic colonization and belowground–aboveground linkages, with multifaceted impacts on soil development and associated ecological processes.



H2020 European Research Council



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