1. Department of Dermatology; University Hospital of Padua; Italy
2. Research Unit of Behavioural Medicine, Health Psychology and Empirical Psychosomatics; Medical University of Graz; Graz Austria
3. Dermatology Unit; Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi IRCCS; University of Milan; Milan Italy
4. Department of Dermatology and STD; ARNAS-Palermo; Palermo Italy
5. Department of Oncology and Neurosciences; Dermatologic Clinic; University G. D'Annunzio; Chieti Italy
6. Department of Dermatology; University Federico II; Naples Italy
7. Dermatological Clinic; Department of Clinical and Molecular Sciences; Polytechnic Marche University; Ancona Italy
8. Dermatology Unit; Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico; Modena Italy
9. Department of Medicine; Section of Dermatology and Venereology; University of Verona; Italy
10. Division of Clinical, Preventive and Oncology Dermatology; Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine; Florence University; Florence Italy
11. Department of Dermatology; University Tor Vergata; Rome Italy