1. 1. Hetherington, M. , Cox, M. & Cox, R. Family interactions and the social, emotional and cognitive development of children following divorce. Paper presented at the Johnson & Johnson Symposium on the Family: Setting Priorities, Washington D. C., 1978.
2. 2. Kulka, R. A. Monitoring social change via survey replication: Prospects and pitfalls from a replication of Americans View Their Mental Health. Paper presented at the Radcliffe Conference on Methods for Studying Women and Social Change, Cambridge, MA, September 1978.
3. 3. Campbell, R. T. Longitudinal designs in life course research: A critique. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, September, 1978.
4. 4. Douvan, E. Family roles in a twenty year perspective. Paper presented at the Pre-centennial Conference at Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA, April 1978.
5. 5. Veroff, J. , & Melnick, H. Personal, situational, and interpersonal attributions of causes of critical life problems. In C. M.Fontaine(Chair), Attributional analyses of problems in women's lives. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, September 1977.