1. Channel and North Sea Fisheries Research Unit; IFREMER; 150 Quai Gambetta, BP 699 62321 Boulogne s/mer France
2. Department of Food and Resource Economics; University of Copenhagen; Rolighedsvej 25 1985 Frederiksberg C Denmark
3. AZTI Tecnalia; Marine Research Division; Herrera; kaia. Portualdea z/g E-20110 Gipuzkoa Spain
4. Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics; National University of Ireland; Galway Ireland
5. Irish Observer Net 3 Burton Place; Gardiners Hill Cork; Ireland
6. Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries; Palmaille 9 22767 Hamburg Germany
7. Maritime Economy Unit; IFREMER; ZI Pointe du Diable, CS 10070 29280 Plouzané France
8. Institute of Economic Studies; University of Iceland; Oddi by Sturlugata 101 Reykjavik Iceland
9. Economics and Finance Department, Portsmouth Business School; University of Portsmouth, Richmond Building; Portland Street Portsmouth PO1 3DE UK
10. Innovative Fisheries Management; Aalborg University; Skibbrogade 5 DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark
11. Unité Mixte de Recherche AMURE; Université de Bretagne Occidentale; 12 rue de Kergoat, Bât. B, CS 93837 29238 Brest Cedex 3 France
12. NISEA; Fishery and Aquaculture Research Organisation; Via Irno 11 84135 Salerno SA Italy
13. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research; 46.7 km Athens-Sounio 19013 Anavyssos Attica Greece
14. Institute of Aquatic Resources; Technical University of Denmark; Jaegersborg Alle 1 2920 Charlottenlund Denmark
15. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere; GPO Box 1538 Hobart Tas. 7109 Australia
16. 59 Jubilee Road Khandallah Wellington 6035 New Zealand