1. All quotations are from "Experience," in Essays: first and Second Series, R.W. Emerson (Vintage. New York, 1990) (original work published 1844).
2. For recent and sometimes divergent treatments of this topic, see R.R. McCrae and P.T. Costa, Jr., Personality in Adulthood (Guiliord, New York, 1990); D.C. Funder, R.D. Parke, C. Tomlinson-Keasey, and K. Widarnan, Eds., Studying Lives Through Time: Personally and Development (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1993); T. Heatherton and J. Weinbefger, Can Personality Change ? (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1994).
3. For recent and sometimes divergent treatments of this topic, see R.R. McCrae and P.T. Costa, Jr., Personality in Adulthood (Guiliord, New York, 1990); D.C. Funder, R.D. Parke, C. Tomlinson-Keasey, and K. Widarnan, Eds., Studying Lives Through Time: Personally and Development (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1993); T. Heatherton and J. Weinbefger, Can Personality Change ? (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1994).
4. For recent and sometimes divergent treatments of this topic, see R.R. McCrae and P.T. Costa, Jr., Personality in Adulthood (Guiliord, New York, 1990); D.C. Funder, R.D. Parke, C. Tomlinson-Keasey, and K. Widarnan, Eds., Studying Lives Through Time: Personally and Development (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1993); T. Heatherton and J. Weinbefger, Can Personality Change ? (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1994).
5. Ratings of Personality Change in Patients Being Evaluated for Memory Disorders